вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.

At the time I was making my third stage of my research work, it was very interesting to get know how others will answer to my questions. And now I would like to present you my 4th stage of my work.

Now I would like to show you how students answered my questions.

Question: What kind of intercourse Great Britain have with America and Europe?

Answers: Allied - 36%, Peaceful - 46%, Stressful - 18%

Correct Answer: Allied

Question: What was the reason why USA and Great Britain became so isolated?

Answers: The Civil War- 27%, The Cold War- 9%, The II World War- 37%, The Great Depression - 27%

Correct Answer: The Civil War

Question: Where to find best eduacation?

Answers: Europe - 82%, Great Britain- 18%, America - 0%

Question: If you ever have a chance to choose between Britain, America and Europe, what will you choose for living ?

Answers: Britain - 18%, Europe - 55%, America - 27%

Question: Why relationships between USA and Europe are becoming more and more competitive ?

Answers: Because of Americas political views- 82%, Because of Britains political views- 18%, Because of Europe political views- 0%

Question: What is the form of government in USA?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 55%, Constitution-based federal republic- 45%, Constitutional monarchy- 0%

Correct Answer: Constitution-based federal republic

Question: What is the form of government in Great Britain?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 0%, Constitution-based federal republic- 18%, Constitutional monarchy- 82%

Correct Answer: Constitutional monarchy

Question: What is the form of government in the most of the European countries?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 73%, Constitution-based federal republic- 27%, Constitutional monarchy- 0%

Correct Answer: Federal democtaric republic

Question: What drink english are prefer?

Answers: Milk - 0%, Tea - 100%, Coffee - 0%, Juice - 0%

Correct Answer: Tea

Question: How John Kennedy died?

Answers: Car crash- 18%, Killed - 82%, He is still alive- 18%

Correct Answer: Killed



These questions helped me to see, how much our students know about the USA, Great Britain and Europe. Students don't know much about the political intercourse between these countries. Maybe students should read newspapers, watch news and try to get more information about these countries.

воскресенье, 28 марта 2010 г.

пятница, 12 марта 2010 г.

Second stage, variant 2

1. What was the reason why USA and Great Britain became so isolated?
• The reason of that the Civil War, that lasted from 1861-1865. The British Central Bank was investigating money into US Forces. After the war ended, USA had to pay a huge amount of money back to Britain, but as the result they had no money, US became “slaves” to Great Britain.
2. What was the reason why Britain has become more European?
• When Britain had to choose to be in union with other European countries or not, they had chosen to be independent in their views. But during the time Britain decided to have same interest with Europe and all of European decisions are accepted in the way the British people want.
3. Why relationships between USA and Europe are becoming more and more competitive?
• The reason is that after a Cold War USA had become more powerful nation than they were several decades before. As they had felt their power, they had begun some military operations in several countries to prove their strength to themselves and to the whole world. In spite of the fact, that other countries didn’t accept this type of political behavior, even nowadays USA continues to dictate their rules to the other parts of the Wolrd.



вторник, 23 февраля 2010 г.

Great Britain between Europe and America

Great Britain between Europe and America.

First stage 15-23 February

Today opposition and competition between Great Britain, Europe and America is the topic of interest. The whole world rivets attention on that how these countries upholding their interests.

As for me, this topic deserves much more public attention and in my research work I will try to develop a theme. I am planning to describe fairly the mood of the problem.

It is also a topical subject for me, because I am planning to enroll at a university to some other country and I have not decided where to, so my personal aim in this researching work is to help myself in choosing the most suitable country option.

Thinking about that makes me want to know more about their lifestyle and find more differences between Great Britain, USA and Europe.

In research work I shall get down to next problems:

1) Great Britain, Europe, America – race for power through the ages.

2) Great Britain, Europe, America – where to find best education?



Contains full comparison between Great Britain and America. We can find there substantive aspects of British life.

2. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17726

Contains comparison between Europe and America by Tony Judt. We can find there contrast for the differences between these two countries.

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_United_States

It contains vivid description of American education. I think this link will be very helpful in my work.

4. http://www.educationineurope.org.uk/

This link contains analysis and alternatives of European education. There are examples of many countries, such as Spain, England, Italy etc.

Glossary: [1]

Race for power – struggle for power, to justle with smb. for power

To rivet attention – concentrate on a subject, to hold sb’s interest or attention

Vivid description – pictural description, a highly coloured description

Upholding – support, maintain, give help

[1] Words explanation is taken from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Link - http://www.oup.com/

понедельник, 15 февраля 2010 г.

First Step

Great Britain between Europe and America

Under this research, you are expected to notice various manifestations of culture and
inter-cultural influences, i.e., observe the role of Great Britain in between
the powerful centres- continental Europe and the USA- in socio-political and cultural aspects.

Your research should observe British, European and American mutual influence in any field of social life or culture, either direct (e.g. migration of Europeans to America) or indirect (e.g. the influence of Hollywood on British cinema).

Suggested Topics of the Research
Emigration and immigration, colonial past
USA, Britain and the European Union, British and American
partnership, e.g. in Iraq, connections of the two political systems,
politics and the media, e.g. in election campaigns.
Influence of British English on American English and vice versa
Co-operation and competition in British and American economy
Interrelation of British and American films and how they imagine and
depict each other
Interrelation of British and American fiction and how they imagine and
depict each other
All possible kinds of art, including visual and media art, and their
Various styles of music, including classical and pop music, and their
reception and consumption.
Youth Cultures, Subcultures
Hip-hop culture (clothing, music), club culture (e.g. rave, disco), net
culture, graffiti, punk culture, skinheads , the roots and elements of
Everyday life
British and American lifestyle, values and their mutual influences
Characteristic features of British and American fashion and their links

You should look for up-to-date materials. You should have at least 5 different
sources (books, articles, internet resources).
You should keep your research question in mind when you do reading so
as to not get carried away. It is impossible to read everything that has
been written about a topic. Therefore you should focus on your narrow
topic area.
Within the first week (15-21 February)
- explain what defined your choice
- make up a list of your sources and esay what information is available from them
- elicit pieces of information to be further used and comment on it
- start compiling a glossary (a list of terms)to your research work