вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.

At the time I was making my third stage of my research work, it was very interesting to get know how others will answer to my questions. And now I would like to present you my 4th stage of my work.

Now I would like to show you how students answered my questions.

Question: What kind of intercourse Great Britain have with America and Europe?

Answers: Allied - 36%, Peaceful - 46%, Stressful - 18%

Correct Answer: Allied

Question: What was the reason why USA and Great Britain became so isolated?

Answers: The Civil War- 27%, The Cold War- 9%, The II World War- 37%, The Great Depression - 27%

Correct Answer: The Civil War

Question: Where to find best eduacation?

Answers: Europe - 82%, Great Britain- 18%, America - 0%

Question: If you ever have a chance to choose between Britain, America and Europe, what will you choose for living ?

Answers: Britain - 18%, Europe - 55%, America - 27%

Question: Why relationships between USA and Europe are becoming more and more competitive ?

Answers: Because of Americas political views- 82%, Because of Britains political views- 18%, Because of Europe political views- 0%

Question: What is the form of government in USA?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 55%, Constitution-based federal republic- 45%, Constitutional monarchy- 0%

Correct Answer: Constitution-based federal republic

Question: What is the form of government in Great Britain?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 0%, Constitution-based federal republic- 18%, Constitutional monarchy- 82%

Correct Answer: Constitutional monarchy

Question: What is the form of government in the most of the European countries?

Answers: Federal democratic republic- 73%, Constitution-based federal republic- 27%, Constitutional monarchy- 0%

Correct Answer: Federal democtaric republic

Question: What drink english are prefer?

Answers: Milk - 0%, Tea - 100%, Coffee - 0%, Juice - 0%

Correct Answer: Tea

Question: How John Kennedy died?

Answers: Car crash- 18%, Killed - 82%, He is still alive- 18%

Correct Answer: Killed



These questions helped me to see, how much our students know about the USA, Great Britain and Europe. Students don't know much about the political intercourse between these countries. Maybe students should read newspapers, watch news and try to get more information about these countries.